

2017-03-17 19


Chinese food, with its rich flavor.[我喜欢中华料理以及它丰富的风味]

To get strong and win flights![我认为武术是为了强身健体和取得胜利]

It was really cool Karin.[演唱会上的果梨很酷哦]

The battle scenes are so flashy and awesome.[我认为其中最有趣的是它的战斗场面很华丽且很震撼]

A showy girl like Karin[我喜欢果梨这样令人心醉的女孩]

I think cute stuff suits you more.[我认为可爱东西更适合你]

Of course, the real thing is scary! I’d run right away![遇到真正的黑道可是很吓人的!那当然是三十六计走为上计]

I don’t think that’s right.[我不认为它们是正确的] —— OKINAWA[冲绳县]

Aoi route(苍井线)


Japanese food, famous around the world for being healthy.[我喜欢日式料理,因为它很健康而闻名遐迩]

To use your strength to help the week.[我认为武术是为了去帮助弱小]

Doing otagei was really fun.[刚才的打艺相当的有趣呢]

The battle scenes are so flashy and awesome.[我认为其中最有趣的是它的战斗场面很华丽且很震撼]

A helpful girl like Aoi.[我喜欢苍井这样助人为乐的女孩]

Yeah, cool stuff does probably suit you better.[嗯~或许酷酷的东西更适合你吧]

Before labeling him as a yakuza. I’d wanna know what kind of person he is.[在给他钉上“黑道”的标签之前,我要好好琢磨一下他到底是什么样的人]

I don’t think that’s right.[我不认为它们是正确的] —— OSAKA[大阪]

Sakura route(樱线)


Western food. I’m used to it and it suits my tastes.[我喜欢西式料理,因为我已经习惯了而且也更合我口味]

To get strong and win flights![我认为武术是为了强身健体和取得胜利]

Doing otagei was really fun[刚才打艺相当的有趣呢]

The contrast between sweet Saigou-chan and her gallant samurai heart.[我认为其中最有趣的是可爱的西乡酱和她勇敢的武士道精神形成的反差萌]

A quiet girl like Sakura.[我喜欢樱这样文静的女孩]

Yeah, cool stuff does probably suit you better.[嗯~或许酷酷的东西更适合你吧]

Of course, the real thing is scary! I’d run right away![遇到真正的黑道可是很吓人的!那当然是三十六计走为上计]

I was surprised at that concept.[我对他们的想法感到很惊讶] —— KYOTO[京都]

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